Şehit Çetin Görgü Sokak No:10/5 06570 Maltepe-ANKARA located at the address of Goldsoft Yazılım Bilişim İletişim Teknolojileri ve Eğitim Hiz. San.Tic.Ltd.Şti. will not use the personal information of users transmitted through www.goldsoft.com.tr (“Website”) for purposes other than the purposes and scope determined by the Privacy Policy, and will not share it with third parties without permission. . In addition, the user consents to the sharing of the information he/she shares with all Doğuş Holding affiliates in order to offer special advantages and to notify all kinds of communication activities for sales, marketing and similar purposes. (For detailed information about Doğuş Holding subsidiaries; www.dogusgrubu.com.tr)
Personal information; It contains all kinds of personal information to identify the user directly or indirectly, such as name, surname, date of birth, home address, mobile and fixed phone number, e-mail address, and will be referred to as "Confidential Information" for short.
Goldsoft Yazılım may use personal information for profiling, statistical studies, advertising, promotion, marketing and other communication activities and may share it with third parties within your knowledge only for the purpose of carrying out these studies.
Goldsoft Yazılım undertakes to keep personal information strictly confidential, to consider it a confidentiality obligation, to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to take the necessary precautions and to show due diligence to prevent all or any part of confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorized use or disclosure to a third party. is doing. Despite Goldsoft Software taking the necessary information security measures, Goldsoft Yazılım will not be liable if confidential information is damaged or in the hands of third parties as a result of attacks on the website and the system.
Goldsoft Software can obtain information about users and users' use of the website by using a technical communication file (Cookie-Cookie). However, if users wish, they can change the browser settings so that the technical communication file does not arrive or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent.
Users can always update their Membership/Personal information and communication preferences by logging into the system. You can also send your requests in this regard by contacting us from the contact information on our website. Your request will be evaluated and implemented as soon as possible.
If you do not want to receive promotional and announcement e-mails from Goldsoft.com.tr, click the Update Information tab under the My Information heading on the My Account page. On the page that opens, uncheck the option "I want to be notified of campaigns via e-mail".
Each User will be deemed to have accepted the terms of this Privacy Policy by visiting this Website.